Roundtable Discussion: “Drown the Sadness in Chardonnay”
Join us while we discuss the episode “Drown the Sadness in Chardonnay” with the following format, BITE: B(ad) I(nteresting) T(oo much) E(verything else)
Lem makes a decision. Olivia’s past comes back to haunt her. Fiji seeks help from her fellow Light Witches. A suicide pits Manfred & Kai against one another.
Lisa: Lem is human! I understand that he thought he was doing the right thing be going to Kai and turning back into a human so he could possible give Olivia a family, but I hate the idea of him being human! Change him back please!
Leah: Oh Lem! Noooooooooo! I can not even formulate what to say about this. That is not a decision I saw coming or agree with.
Lisa: What the hell is up with Kai’s jukebox? He’s harvesting supernatural powers for what? What is his end game? I never trusted him!
Leah: I am going to need more information on Kai! What is going on? A head in a cage, a jukebox….so many questions!
Lisa: Manny and Patience getting it on while Kai was there. What kind of relationship do they have?
Leah: What is going on with Manny? You are soooo in love and seconds after Creek leaves you are “with” a married woman?
Lisa: This was a great episode jam packed with Wow moments. I felt like I needed to watch it again! Lem is human, Olivia’s creepy dad and his Christmas scene. I have to say that Ariel Kebbell gave another stellar performance this week. Seeing her softer side as she talked about her father was heartbreaking. Well done!
Midnight, Texas airs Fridays at 9/8c on NBC