Roundtable Discussion: “Yasss Queen”
Join us while we discuss the episode “Yasss Queen” with the following format, BITE: B(ad) I(nteresting) T(oo much) E(verything else)
With Midnight now under the rule of Dark Witches, the surviving Midnighters must band together in one last, desperate attempt to save their town.
Lisa: Spitting out teeth is always a gross thing to see. Ugh… Although it was gross, I am a fan of special FX makeup and the decaying face was fantastically disgusting!
Leah: Patience as all the beasts was disgusting. Glad that only lasted for a few moments. Yuck!
Roz: Oh Theopolis! Kai’s body is doing you so wrong! I get that Kai wasn’t meant to hold onto 490 beasts, but that was a sight that made me grateful I hadn’t had food when I watched.
Mel: They embraced the horror in this episode and…yuck. I couldn’t watch several parts of the episode. I like my supernatural action and angst a bit less disgusting.
Lisa: Fiji and Bobo’s baby! I must know what is going to happen! We need a season 3!
Roz: Oh no! Is Bobo and Fiji’s baby going to be a dark witch now? Is that the soul the trickster took to save Fiji?
Leah: I’m with Roz…the second Fiji said she was pregnant I very loudly said, “NOOOOOOO!”
Mel: Way to ruin a happy moment, show! We are definitely supposed to assume the soul exchange involved the baby and now I’m dying to see how that would play out in the currently in limbo season 3. Also, what does Joe’s redemption involve? And Bobo picking up another business in Midnight…that does fit with the books but I wonder what broader impact that could have, you know? Plus I wonder how Delilah (and the knight) might factor into future stories.
Lisa: Patience as all of the beasts! Wow… that was way too much.
Leah: Our good pal Theo and his decaying face. Just way too much!
Roz: Patience as all 490 beasts! I’m all for a BIG big bad, but that was gross to the extreme.
Mel: The torture and Theo’s face and Patience’s terrible accent.
Lisa: I loved this season and thank goodness Manny is alive! It was so well done. Throughout the season the cast gave stellar performances and their chemistry is real. I really hope that another network picks up the show because there is so much more to do in Midnight, Texas. I have enjoyed tweeting with the cast and fans on Friday nights and will miss that for sure. Word on the street is Netflix purchased the studio where Midnight is filmed so fingers crossed that is a sign! #SaveMidnightTexas
Leah: I like how the season wrapped up enough to make it a satisfying ending but left a few things open. Also, Patience in the painting with her brother’s cursed head was just so perfect.
Roz: I have no idea where the next season will take us, but that guy from Deliah’s forest is not going to go well for everyone left in Midnight.
Mel: What. A. Season! This was such an improvement over season 1, in part because it seemed no one was safe. We lost Creek and Chuy, it legit looked like Manfred was gone, Joe and Fiji went to the Dark Side for a while, even Olivia asking Lem to turn her was a huge decision for her character. The new showrunners somehow managed to honor the characters from season 1 while completely upending the status quo, and the show was better as a result. Here’s hoping another network is smart enough to pick up the series for another season!
NBC canceled Midnight, Texas but producers are shopping the show around to other networks. Show your support by using the hashtags #SaveMidnightTexas and #RenewMidnightTexas in your social media posts!