Roundtable Discussion: “Head Games”
Midnight, Texas fans we are BACK!
Join us while we discuss the season 2 premier episode with the following format, BITE: B(ad) I(nteresting) T(oo much) E(verything else)
Roz: All of that demon residue took me right out of the new season and the new issues. I get that we have to address a new bad guy.
Leah: I’m with Roz. I could have done without the demon residue. The whole, “let’s keep secrets” was very last season Manfred!
Lisa: Demon Manfred was soooo bad in a good way! Kidnapping Creek and putting her in the trunk and trying to bury Olivia alive in the first episode! He was bad. What a chilling performance by Francois Arnaud and a great start to season 2.
Mel: I have to disagree – I appreciated that there were real consequences for Manfred’s possession last season. He risked a lot by letting multiple demons take over in order to save the world. There should be a residual effect from that, otherwise, the stakes are too low. My Bad for this episode is Patience’s accent. I hope that settles down soon because I know we’re going to be hearing from her a lot this season.
Roz: What’s going on with all of Fiji’s plants at the end? Is Bobo bad for her energy in the house?
Leah: I do appreciate that the show set up a number of good stories for later.
Lisa: Kai is very interesting. Even though he proved himself to be the so-called “real-deal” I still don’t trust him. What was that skull at the end and who did it belong to? What is his real angle for being in Midnight?
Mel: I’m intrigued by Kai, too. At first, I thought he was a charlatan, but it would appear he really is a healer. His motives, however…who in Midnight is he after?
Roz: Creepy Manfred. I’m all for great acting and new ways to explore a side of a character, but man that residual possession went on too long.
Leah: And Leah makes three…no more creepy Manfred, demon residue.
Lisa: There was too much Demon residue for me. Yuck! It was definitely effective but too much! Also, floating magic sex with Fiji & Bobo? Although I’m sure it’s awesome, it’s a little over the top.
Mel: Compared to season 1, I felt like this episode was pretty restrained! Aside from the accent I mentioned above, this was a good balance of camp and action and character moments. I suppose the fight introducing Joe and Walker was a bit OTT, but it didn’t bother me.
Roz: In my mind, you don’t cast Jamie Ray Newman and Nester Campbell without knowing that they’re here for a while, so I hope that Kai and Patience aren’t so one-dimensional in future episodes.
Lisa: I loved seeing Lem and Olivia in their newlywed phase. They make a great team. I felt bad for Creek which is strange because she was my least favorite character last season. She has been through so much with her father, her brother and now Manfred. Do you think she is gone to Austin for good or will she come back to Midnight? Also, I want more Mr. Snuggly! Can’t wait to see next week’s episode.
Mel: If we were looking at this show as real life, Creek would be the only sane person in that town. She assessed everything that’s happened in the past year (or longer, we don’t know her life), her murderous psychic boyfriend, the weird new neighbors, and she noped right outta there. That’s probably the smartest thing we’ve ever seen Creek do.
Midnight, Texas airs Fridays at 9/8c on NBC.