Midnight, Texas returns with consequences, new characters {SPOILERS}
Welcome back to Midnight, Texas! After a whirlwind first season and a (somewhat surprising) renewal, we’re finally returning to Midnight and checking in with old residents and new. I had the opportunity to take a sneak peek at the season 2 premiere, and it’s definitely worth the trip!
Need a reminder of where we ended last season? Check out our season 1 finale roundtable discussion!
The season premiere, titled “Head Games”, has two purposes: showing us the aftermath of the events in season 1 and introducing us to the new characters and storylines for season 2. Both purposes are served well here. Most of the storyline is in service to the first task, but there’s just enough teasing of what’s coming to get me excited for this season.
After subverting the apocalypse, Manfred is dealing with the consequences of allowing multiple demons to possess him. “Demon cancer“, he calls it. Fortunately, Xylda returns to help. She’s looking much better now that she’s been in “the good place”, sporting a new outfit and hairdo. Her spruced up appearance aside, Xylda’s main concern is helping Manfred figure out what’s happening to him and what to do about it. See, Manfred has been having vivid nightmares about killing his friends, and Creek. Especially Creek. When things get a little too real, he distances himself from Creek who is confused about his erratic behavior.
Yep, Creek is in the season premiere. We find out pretty quickly where her head is at and the storyline handily sets up the character for the fact that actress Sarah Ramos is a recurring guest star this season. Honestly, she may be the only sane person in Midnight!
Joe continues to try to lay low even though his angelic secret is out, but that doesn’t last long. How will he handle having a target on his back?
Fiji & Bobo
These two have to be discussed together here because that’s what they are, together. Like, almost joined at the…hip. Following their apocalyptic lovemaking last season, Fiji and Bobo are very much enjoying exploring sex and magic and sex magic. They’re all loved up and it’s adorable. Yet there is the tiniest hint that maybe, just maybe, someone, or something, doesn’t approve of their relationship. We also discover Bobo’s latest business endeavor which is karmically satisfying.
Olivia & Lemuel
Our resident newlyweds don’t get a lot of screen time here, but it’s enough to establish that they’re still very much in love. The psychic connection established when Olivia drank Lem’s blood is strong and used organically as part of the story. Olivia is skeptical about Midnight’s newest residents, which shocks Lem not at all. He has his own doubts about Kai and Patience, but he’s withholding judgment.
Kai & Patience
Our introduction to new Midnighters Kai and Patience certainly seems to support Olivia’s skepticism. They’re the new owners of Crystal Desert, a healing spa designed to give Kai a break from being a traveling healer. Fiji is understandably annoyed that her domain is being infringed upon, and the Messianic imagery does nothing to ease the group’s distrust. But when the town is threatened again, we learn that Kai just might be who he says he is. Not that he’s without secrets of his own.
A lot happens in the season premiere, which feels longer than it actually is – but in a good way. When the end credits started, I felt like I’d watched a movie, not an episode of television. Production values have been stepped up, the acting is better (I’m a little iffy on Patience’s accent), and the writing and direction have a flow that was missing from last season. Season 2 appears to have glowed up across the board, and I’m here for it.
Midnight, Texas season 2 premieres Friday, October 26 at 9/8c on NBC.