Roundtable Discussion “The Virgin Sacrifice”
Midnight, Texas finished it’s freshman season strong last night. Wrapping up some major ongoing stories and bringing a new mystery to town. Here’s hoping we have a second season coming next summer!
Madonna….how dare you! Guess we know how she paid for the diner, don’t we? Did you see her betrayal coming?
Cara: I didn’t see her betrayal coming. We knew there was a backstory, but I hadn’t suspected that at all. I thought it would be more along the lines of Fiji’s, that she had unintentionally done something terrible.
Leah: I. Was. Shocked. The nerve of that woman. She better have a damn good reason, and I really can’t think of an acceptable one right now, for working for Olivia’s Father
Mel: I can’t remember if this was in the books or not; it was definitely a surprise when watching! I can see why she’d do it – she gets paid to report back on Olivia’s well-being, preventing her father from actually contacting Olivia and causing her additional pain. I’m sympathetic.
Roz: I didn’t see it coming, but once it happened, it all made sense (I followed Mel’s logic on the why too).
Lisa: I was totally shocked! I couldn’t believe it! That was a great twist. I was disappointed because I like Madonna and I didn’t want her to be the bad guy.
Couple check in:
Fiji and Bobo got their happy ending
Olivia and Lem got their happily ever after
Manfred and Creek are happily playing house
How do we feel with each of the ships? Do we like where they ended up?
Cara: I will admit that I rolled my eyes a little at Fiji and Bobo getting it on amidst the chaos. It did seem like something of an anti-climactic resolution (pun intended) to Fiji’s demon problem. Essentially, all she needed was to get it on, and everything was ok. I can’t say I’m a fan.
Olivia and Lem were a surprise. I really thought they’d need some time apart. Then again, if Olivia’s dad shows up, she’ll need the Midnighters to have her back.
Manfred and Creek, ug, whatever. I’ll admit to not being impressed with them these last two episodes.
Leah: While I’m totally happy that Fiji is happy I am slightly annoyed that losing her virginity made her….less. Maybe just to a demon but come on. I do like Fiji and Bobo together though so overall I’m good with it.
Olivia and Lem – YAY! Did not see that ending and could Olivia looked any prettier? Seriously. Loved it, especially when I was sure she was going to leave town in the end.
Want to love Manfred and Creek but man can I not. She is just so….meh.
Mel: I’m glad Fiji and Bobo are finally together, but I agree – that was cheesy. And the wave of power that signified Fiji losing her virginity? As if she wasn’t embarrassed before! “Jeremy” revealing that Colconnar wanted to not just take Fiji’s virginity but sire a whole bunch of super powerful baby demons with her made me slightly less eye-rolly over the whole Virgin Witch thing. Slightly.
Glad Olivia and Lem got back together, although broken up to married within the span of a week is moving a bit fast. Their chat on the dance floor, about how they each make the other better, was a nice coda. Ditto on Manfred and Creek. I want to like them, but I’m still not sold. I did like Creek better in this episode; she wanted answers from Manfred, she held her ground, but she was still supportive.
Roz: I still don’t love Manfred and Creek, but it’s better that they are on equal footing now.
I could have done without the cheesy sex to stop a demon for Fiji and Bobo, but I am happy they’re on track.
L em and Olivia moved too fast for me from where they were, but I suppose a near-death experience from demons can change someone’s mind.
Lisa: Lem and Olivia! Yay! I love them together and I have to say that I did not see the Wedding coming. They really packed a lot in this episode. Creek and Manfred, Meh. I like Manfred a lot but I just don’t like Creek. Fiji and Bobo…Bow chicka wow wow! Although I am for everyone getting their fair share of loving, this was a little disappointing for me for Fiji. Not how her first time should have been. I like that she and Bobo worked everything out but I wanted something better for her.
Are you satisfied with how season 1 wrapped?
Cara: It seemed like a good place to end things, especially if there’s no second season. We had lots of happy endings, but there are still a few unanswered questions.
Leah: I thought it was the best possible way to end the season. New stories without any cliffhangers on old stories.
Mel: I still have some questions, but for the most part, yes. The fact that they blew through the entire book trilogy in one season gave me a bit of metaphorical whiplash, though.
Roz: I’m fine with how it’s all ended, but I really like the idea of trying to push out that developer for Season Two.
Lisa: I think season 1 was strong and I really enjoyed it. I will be sad if it doesn’t get renewed for season 2. I also want to add that I’ve really enjoyed live-tweeting with the Cast, Writers and fellow Midnighters on Monday nights and I will miss that a lot. Midnighters rock!
Favorite scene?
Cara: It’s just a throw-away scene at the end, but I loved Mr. Snuggles towards the end. “Lucky.”
Leah: Manfred after he took on that last really bad demon. Francois Arnaud is just so great at “becoming” someone or something else. The blood out the eyes and ears, blacked out eyes and general crazy was great to watch.
Mel: My favorite scenes were of the emotional variety: Bobo telling Fiji he trusts her and her power; Olivia and Lem dancing at their wedding.
Roz: I’m with Mel on her two; they sold strong emotions in an episode that had a wide range of issues to resolve.
Lisa: I loved Olivia and Lem dancing at the wedding. I also agree with Leah on Manfred’s scene. He is so good and for the first time, that perfect hair was actually messed up so you know that scene was serious! lol
Any speculation or requests about storylines for a potential season 2?
Cara: We’ve got a few hints. We know the hotel development will be something big. Olivia’s father is likely to show up. I’d like to see more about the objects in the pawn shop or the pawn shop in general. It seems like a setting with a lot of potential.
Leah: I’d like to see Madonna’s home life, backstory more (obviously). Olivia’s father plays into that so more on him as well. I’m intrigued by the idea that someone bought the hotel. Making Midnight a destination for tourists is something else.
Mel: Definitely more about Madonna; she seems poised to be a bigger player in season 2, as does Olivia’s father. I wonder how he’ll feel about having a vampire son-in-law. The hotel development has the potential to bring big trouble to Midnight. And while the scene in the pawn shop where we heard the voices screaming and crying out in pain started to get to me, I would like to learn more about those artifacts. Maybe Manfred can use his residual dark powers to release those spirits?
Roz: The room speaks for me today. I think all of those should be part of the next season.
Lisa: I definitely want to see more about Madonna and maybe we will get to meet Teacher! I think Olivia’s trifling father will show up and I am curious to see who would play him. I look forward to more of the awkward and weird that make Midnight so fun!
Thanks for joining us each week! Season 1 episodes can be rewatched at NBC or over on Hulu.