Photos for Midnight, Texas Episode 1.05, “Unearthed”
Next week’s episode of Midnight, Texas finally answers some questions about the mysterious Hightower and why Manfred is running from him, plus Bobo does battle with the Sons of Lucifer. Let’s look at the photos below and see what we can speculate about “Unearthed”.
Christopher Heyerdahl – who also appeared in True Blood season 5 alongside Peter Mensah – guest stars in this episode as Hightower. He appears to have some sort of kinetic powers, judging by the shards of glass flying through the air. The photo of Manfred blowing demonic dust around, though…is he trying to kill Hightower or save him? I suspect the latter but might be giving Manfred too much credit because I like his hair.
Elsewhere, Bobo confronts/is confronted by the Sons of Lucifer, lead by Peter Lowry, Aubrey’s husband. (Remember Aubrey? Bobo’s ex who was found murdered in the river in the first episode?) Looks like the odds tip in Bobo’s favor once Lemuel arrives.
Here we have a Bobo putting out a fire in the pawn shop. Probably a precursor to the bloody fight with the Sons of Lucifer pictured above.
Badass Fiji is up to something…a protection spell for Bobo?
More sexy times for Manfred and Creek.
“Unearthed” airs Monday, August 21 at 10/9c on NBC.